Click Speed Test Check How Fast You Can Click

A click speed test is used to determine how quickly a mouse clicked each second. To measure your click speed, there are several click counter programs available.

The click speed test can be run at four different time intervals: one second, thirty seconds, one hundred seconds, or sixty seconds. You can take these tests online or with various downloaded programs.

Click Speed Test Game

The game is a basic mouse-click speed test. Don't worry too much about getting a high score just now if you don't know what your current mouse click speed is.

It is reasonable to think that your default click speed is around average if you follow all of the below guidelines accurately and on time.

You can test your current mouse click speed with this game, which is quick, easy, and simple. To get the greatest outcome, all you have to do is rapidly follow the on-screen instructions.

You have three minutes to complete the task of trying to get the greatest score possible in the game.

When the allotted three minutes are up, the game will immediately end. The number of clicks you make in that bit of time decides your final score.

‍Before beginning this mouse-click speed test game, there are a few things you should be aware of The first is that you won't get accurate results if you utilize the track pad on your laptop. The second is that you should click while holding down the CTRL key if your mouse has a scroll wheel.

The third and final thing to remember is that the game is timed, so make sure you are quick! Ready to test your click speed? Then let’s get started.

How To Play Kohi Click Test ?

Welcome to the game! It's quite simple — just follow the on-screen prompts as swiftly as you can. Your goal is to achieve the best result within three minutes, so speed is key!

You can use either the mouse or track pad to play, but please note that if you're using a laptop track pad, your results may not be entirely accurate. And if you're using a mouse with a scroll wheel, remember to hold down the CTRL key while clicking.

Since this game is timed, be sure to at quickly! Ready to put your click speed to the test? Then let's dive right in!

Jitter Click Test

The jitter click test helps you see how steady your clicking speed is. CPS stands for Clicks Per Second, and it measures how fast you can click.

In this test, you hold down the CTRL key and left-click as quickly as you can. It checks how many clicks you can type this way per second.

CPS Test

The CPS test is utilized to count click speed, specifically measuring the rate at which Clicks are click in one second. It involves holding down the CTRL key and left-clicking rapidly.

The jitter click, on the other hand, is a tool used to assess the stability of the CPS timer, where CPS stands for Click Per Second. It focuses on the consistency of clicking speed over time.


1. How Can I Improve My Mouse Click Speed ?

Practice regularly, use a mouse that responds quickly, consider a gaming mouse, and ensure accurate input by avoiding laptop track pads.

2. What Is A Jitter Click Test ?

A jitter click test assesses the steadiness of clicking speed by holding down the CTRL key and left-clicking rapidly, measuring clicks per second (CPS).

3. What Is The World Record For Mouse Click Speed ?

The fastest recorded mouse click speed is 619 clicks per minute, achieved by super quick and precise clicking.

4. How Do I Play The Click Test Game ?

Simply follow on-screen prompts quickly to achieve the best score in three minutes. Use either a mouse or track pad, but ensure accurate results by avoiding laptop track pads and holding down CTRL if using a mouse with a scroll wheel.

5. What Is The Formula For Cps Test ?

Formula: CPS Speed = Total Number of Clicks / Total Time taken in Seconds. Example: Consider that you have taken the 10-second challenge, and within those 10 seconds, you were able to flicker the mouse 62 times, your CPS score will be 62 Clicks/10 Seconds = 6.2.


The Click Speed Test Challenge is a popular way to measure how quickly one can click a mouse or keyboard button within a set time frame, typically one second, thirty seconds, one hundred seconds, or sixty seconds.

Players aim to achieve the highest number of clicks within the given time limit. Various online platforms and downloadable programs offer these tests, allowing individuals to gauge their click speed and improve it through practice.

Additionally, specialized tests like the jitter click test assess the stability and consistency of clicking speed over time. By practicing regularly and using efficient equipment, such as gaming mice, players can enhance their click speed and accuracy, ultimately aiming to beat records and achieve their personal bests.